Pooling licenses is a way for an organization with multiple Meridian Enterprise installations to optimize license use between sites during periods of shifting workloads. If a Meridian license server at one site runs out of a particular license type or is temporarily unavailable, the Meridian application server at that site can request unused licenses from other license servers and temporarily assign them to local users. Licenses will be requested from the license servers in the order that they are specified in the configuration. If the requested license is not available at the first server, the second server will be queried, and so on until either an unused license is found or all of the servers have been queried unsuccessfully, in which case the user will be denied a license. When a remote license is released, it becomes available from its local license server again either to a local user or to another remote user.
Assume an organization comprised of multiple sites currently has a license server at each site with only enough licenses registered there for its local users. If license demand at any site exceeds its local license count, the users are denied licenses to fulfill the demand.
After configuring pooled licenses at one or more of the sites, those sites can "borrow" unused licenses from the pool of participating license servers to meet the increased demand.
To configure pooled licenses:
Also set the following registry values described in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Server\Licensing: